If you don't have any time to write, you should get up earlier or write more words before. Most of you have part time jobs and are busy every day, I think. I am too. I know you are so busy, you don't want to write and you don't have time, but we are all in the same boat!! We don't have time, but everyone needs to find time and do the assignment. Don't leave assignments for later. I recommend to get up early because you can finish it early and you don't have to think about it at that day. I have put my homework off until later. It wasn't good.
Also, I have things that I recommend you. Do you know blogger's application for iPhone and smartphone? Have you used it? It's very useful and helpful. You can write essays when you go to school by bus and train. I sometimes use it. When I go to the school by train, I write by using the application and I think about next topics. You can use time effectively.
If you have a lot of time, I recommend you to do the assignment at the same time each day. I think it's a good idea, if you aren’t busy and you are a good manager of time. Anyway, it's important to post to your blog and do the assignment before the deadline.