Friday, July 8, 2016

Hamburg steak

I went to 'Center river' with my brother on Sunday. We went there for the first time. Center river is a restaurant on Shimo-tori. We had lunch there. When we entered there, a staff told us it takes about 30 minutes to serve the meal. We were surprised a little then, but we were not hurried. It was still 11:30 am. I thought it was too early to eat lunch, but my brother was hungry. He didn't have breakfast.
We ordered a lunch set. I chose the hamburger steaks and fried prawns set, and he chose the hamburger steaks and steak set. The lunch menu is very good because it has soup, salad, and rice or bread. There are 3 types of hamburger steaks sauces, ume, wasabi, and garlic. We though the garlic sauce is the best. I thought ume souse is also good. The hamburger steaks were very delicious!! He said steak is also great. We satisfied with the lunch. I want to go there again.

167 words


I went to Kagoshima with my friend on Wednesday. I went there by Shinkansen. We had a meeting of new curriculums there. After the meeting, we went to 'Mujaki' in the Kagoshima-chuo station. We heard Mujaki is famous for shirokuma. Do you know the shirokuma? Shirokuma is an ice with fruits and milk flavor. It looks like kakigori in Kagoshima. We ordered a shirokuma ice and some meals. My friend ordered yakisoba, and I ordered kurobuta-don. Her yakisoba was very spicy for me but it was good. Kurobuta-don was very delicious!! Kagoshima is also famous for Kurobuta (black pigs). The taste was mild.
After we ate the meals, we ate the shirokuma. We thought the M size is too big, but we could eat it up. The taste was very great. There were many fruits and kanten jellies. It looked very cute. If you go to the Kagoshima-chuo station, please try them.

152 words

Essay 5: My perfect vacation

I'm now a senior at KGU, so this summer vacation will be the last time of the life in the university. There are a lot of things that I want to do. First, I want to go to summer festival and see fireworks. I like summer festivals, but I couldn't go last year because I had a part time job. I was very busy and tired, so I didn't go. I saw the fireworks on the bridge, but I want to be nearer the fireworks. I think seeing fireworks nearby is the best because I can feel them punch and beauty. Also, I want to wear a yukata. I think yukatas are great. I haven't worn a yukata since I was a high school student. First of all, I have to buy a yukata.

Second, I want to go to the beach. Speaking of summer, I think many people associate with the mountains and the beach. I would rather go to the beach than to the mountains. I have wanted to go to the beach since I was a junior high school student. I have worked at a beach house when I was a high school student, but I didn't go to the seaside. I stayed at the beach house and tended the shop. I can't swim but I like to gather shells on the seashore. When I was a child, I liked to collect stones and shells. I still have them. I hate getting a sunburn, but I want to go. My friends want to go to the pool, so I think the pool is good idea. I have to buy a swimsuit too.

Third, I want to go on a trip with my friends or my family. I want to go to the Tokyo Disney Land and Sea. Also, I want to go to Universal Studios Japan, but I have been there three times during the university life. I have been to TDL and TDS once. I went to there with my mother for a graduation trip when I graduated from junior high school. I had a good time then. I want to go on a graduation trip again.

I have more things I want to do in the vacation. If I do the things I want to do, I have to work hard and save money! I want to enjoy the vacation.

395 words


I want to eat cotton snow candy. Have you ever heard the cotton snow candy? When I heard the word for the first time, I thought the word means cotton candy. I like cotton candy very much, and I wanted to see and eat that. However, I didn't know what does snow mean. I guessed that cotton candy and snow were mixed, but I didn't know what they are. I thought it may be good taste! The cotton snow candy is selling at Mister Donut. I saw advertisement and commercial. It looks like kakigori. I want to eat strawberry flavor or strawberry and milk flavor. I'm looking forward to eat it in this summer.

114 words