Thursday, June 2, 2016


I'm very sleepy. I want to sleep a lot. I'm tired. I have a runny nose and my eyes itch. I think it is an allergy or I just catch a cold. Today, it was very cold in the morning, but it became hot in the afternoon. I don't like hot weather. I hate humid weather too. Today is June, the rainy season is coming soon. I don't like the rainy season because it makes me gloomy. Do you like the rainy season? It will be rainy everyday in the rainy season. Also, snails appear in this season. I wonder where snails come. It is interesting to think about it.

110 words

Banana cake

Do you like bananas? Do you often eat bananas? I rarely eat bananas because I don't like its aftertaste. I think banana leaves a bad taste after we eat it. However, bananas have high nutrition value and makes us full, so bananas are good fruit. I sometimes think that I want to eat a banana cake. I love banana cake! My aunt used to make a banana cake for me when I was an elementary school student. I still remember it was very great. Now, she doesn't make it because I can make it she thinks. I have to make it when I want to eat, so I baked a banana cake in these days. I used 4 bananas (they were a little small) and chocolates. It was very delicious.

130 words


I went to Osaka during spring vacation. I have been there three times. I like there. This time, I went there to work, actually, I worked as a volunteer. My job was to take care of children.

I always take an airplane when I go to Osaka, however, we took a ship. I took a ship to go to Osaka for the first time. The ship was very big. I have never taken such a big ship. The ship pitched and rolled a little. I had something to worry about. I'm a poor sailor! I get motion sickness easily, but I didn't become seasick. I think I had a sense of responsibility to children so I didn't get motion sickness. I was happy.

123 words

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Essay 2: My life as a journy

My name is Haruka and I’m 21 years old. I would like to tell you about my life’s journey so you can get an idea of who I am.

My journey began in February 1995 in Kumamoto because my parents live in Kumamoto. When I started my journey, my mother was only 19 years old. My life took a turn to Tokyo soon, the capital of Japan. I don’t know why my life didn’t begin in Tokyo. However, the Tokyo part of my journey was too short, only 1 year because my mother wanted to go back to her hometown. So my life took a turn to Kumamoto again.

It was in 2000 that my cousins, Tatsuya and Shota, joined me in my journey. I didn’t have any brothers and sisters then, so I took care of them like real brothers. Tatsuya lived with my family for 3 years.

In 2005, a new member joined me in my journey. His name is Junta, my younger brother. He is ten years younger than me. He was lovely. He likes math and science, but I don’t like Math and Science. I like Japanese and English. He also likes English. He is active, so he can talk with foreigners using gesture. However, I can’t do that. He and I have some differences of characters.

When I was an elementary student, I was interested in stones. I think I was strange. I collected stones, so my pockets were full when I got home. I don’t remember why I collected stones, but I wonder if I liked shapes. Also, I was strange because I couldn’t ride a bicycle. I had never ridden a bicycle while I was an elementary student. I started to ride a bicycle when I was a junior high school student. I practiced a little and I could.

In 2009, I was a high school student. I didn’t like to study or go to school. I went there for 3 years and I became a KGU student. I hope my journey will be fine.

342 words